Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Pairs Skating

When I'm talking about the pairs skating, I keep slipping them and calling them a couple instead of a pair. Maybe because Valentine's day is coming. Maybe because of Sale & Pelletier, and because the Chinese couple is getting married as soon as they retire. Maybe because it's just very intimate-looking. And then they throw a brother-sister duo in there, and it gets all weird.


The last Canadian couple in the pairs got the flourescent costume memo... they did the Death Spiral to the sound effect of a buzz saw. Picture it. You expected the ice to pop out in a perfect circle like a cartoon. Hilarious.

* * * * * 

You know that move in pairs figure skating where he kind of picks her up and rolls him over his shoulders and puts her down on the other side? To me it just looks like she's too clingy... 

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